More and more people are learning German, which may have made you interested in this language. If you're still on the fence about whether to start learning German yourself, here are a few reasons why it would be a great decision:
1. The most widely spoken language of the European Union
German is not only spoken in Germany. This language is also spoken in Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg. So, knowing one language, you are able to communicate and work in as many as 5 countries.
Not to mention that German is the "language of money" and is spoken in business circles and in countries where it is not official.
2. He didn't so many hard to learn
It is true that the grammar is a little different from ours. They also have some sounds that are not characteristic of our speaking area, but they are far from impossible to learn.
Just look at all our people who live and work in Germany, some for generations. Many of them did not even learn the language in language schools, but on the street. Why then, today, in the age of the Internet and many great schools, should we be afraid of mastering such a useful language?
3. Knowing German is a prerequisite for a better job
You can, in one of the countries where German is spoken, get a job without knowing the language - but the thing is that it will significantly narrow your choice to only those jobs where it is not spoken.
Those jobs pay much less than those that require conversational skills. Also, in jobs where no conversation is required, there is generally no advancement. Why would you deny yourself good career opportunities? Throw yourself into learning!
4. Better integration into society
Without knowledge of the language, in Germany for example you can only communicate with your compatriots. That separates you from a large part of the rest of society in which you move. Even on the street you can't ask a simple question like where is this and that street or What time is it…
And on top of all that, it's very difficult to make friends with people if you don't speak their language.
5. The Germans will appreciate you
You too would like a foreigner to learn our language when he comes to live with us. This shows respect for culture, customs, and people.
If someone does not want to learn the language of the country in which he lives, he shows disinterest in integration and most likely the citizens of that country will consider him an intruder and a person of a lower class, as terrible as this sounds.
Experience has shown that people who make an effort to learn a language are met more often. So you see...
6. Expanding horizons
We know that people in different languages have different views of the world. Because the structure of the language is also different.
A popular example is that the Inuit have dozens of different words for snow. And we? Two, three. Because snow is not an essential part of our culture and everyday life. Every language has its own peculiarities and some things, concepts and expressions can never be translated.
You can imagine then what kind of concepts are contained in one language in which Goethe wrote perhaps the greatest work of all time, his "Faust".
7. Availability of new information
If you know German, all information in this language is available to you. From everyday things like forecast, news, administration, to all the books, research, etc.
Some things don't translate into other languages, so it's good to know the language they're written in. You can be absolutely independent if you know the language.